Register Domain on Cloudflare

Before that you need a host and domain name registered on your. Add your domain to Cloudflare.

  1. You must enter the main domain not a subdomain as the following image.
  2. Choose the free plan.
  3. Hit Free scan to let Cloudflare acquire your domain providers DNS records, etc…
  4. After the process done, review dns records and delete all of them.
  5. Add the following domain records .
  6. Replace the Name Servers generated by Cloudflare with your domain name provider’s name servers. My domain name provider is A2Hosting. It has four inputs, I left two remaining two inputs empty.

Name server changing process may take up to 24 hours. Refer to the information provided by your service provider.

  1. After the name servers are updated, check your main and subdomain in order to ensure everything works fine.