
  1. Check the Selected Computational Thinking Analysis Papers for how you should or not prepare your analysis about the project.
  2. p5js website
  3. p5JS cheatsheet
  4. Presentations page
  5. RandomSeed IG link
  6. RandomSeed Webpage selected projects

WebSockets + WebRTC + Arduino

Creative Code Syllabus at Devin University


week 1

week 01 Presentation

  • 👀 Keep your eyes open. Choose a thing. Let’s say your favorite cup at your home, or a specific bird that you hear everyday, or your pet, or a tree at the campus. Review the example tutorial. On the last page of the tutorial, you will see that whenever you run the code, it generates different facial expressions.
  • As we did in the previous semester, break it apart using CT principles. Redraw it using p5JS.
  • Make it parametric. So whenever you run the app, determine its properties randomly.
  • ⏫ Upload the sketch to your openProcessing account.
  • ❗Submit the p5js link.
  • 📖 Read Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art
  • đŸ“ș Watch the videos on the last presentation page.
  • 📖 Read Delusions of Dialogue: Control and Choice in Interactive Art
  • đŸ“ș Watch the videos in the presentation. Read about arrays

Selected Assignments A

Alara Yılmaz, Aylin Bursalıoğlu, Cansu Özbek, Deniz Sönmez, Duru Seyhan, Gizem Çobanoğlu ⭐, Ä°dil Akan, Ä°ris Eryılmaz, Lana Jamal, Naz Ä°pek, Zaman Khan

Selected Assignments B

Abeerah Malik, Aleyna Kabaklar, Azra Sadıkoğlu, Bahar Kızılkaya, Boray ÜnlĂŒ, Duru Seyhan, Duygu Aksöz, Ä°rem Apaydın, Kerem Alp, Kerme YaƟlıçimen, Zeynep Erol

week 2

week 02 Presentation

  1. Finalize the project that you started in class time. You have two options. Choose 1 or 2. It is optional to submit both of them.
    1. Create instances of your object (Class) and distribute them on the canvas using randomness. Example
    2. Create instances of your object (Class) and distribute them on the canvas using tiling. Example
  2. The challenge is whenever we run the code, the formalistic features of your Object (Class) change randomly.
  3. Upload a screenshot of your choice. Review the keyPressed() function in Example to implement into your code.
  • Convert the week 01 assignment to a class. Reference1, Reference2
  • Create instances of your class by initializing it using different parameters.
  • Create at least 10 different objects in different features.
  • Position all of the objects in the same sketch. Do not create different sketches of each instance.
  • ⏫ Upload the sketch to your openProcessing account.
  • ❗Submit the openprocessing link.
  • ❗Submit the sketch source code as zip file as well.

Selected Assignments A

Selected Assignments B

Abeerah Malik, Azra Sadıkoğlu, Boray ÜnlĂŒ, Duru Seyhan, Duygu Aksöz, Kerem YaƟlıçimen, Zeynep Erol

week 3


  • Utilize Arrays to dynamically control multiple objects.
  • Distribute objects on the canvas.
  • Animate them up/down, left/right
  • Creative Coding Fest


  • Write a mini game story.
  • Design the storyboard. Keep the document size at 800 x 800 pixel and resolution to 72 DPI.
  • Design Intro Scene: A background, Clearly explain instructions to play the game shortly. A button to start the game.
  • Design Game Scene: A background, the hero, and enemies.
  • Design Final Scene: A background, the result of the game. SUCCESS or FAIL or CONGRATS depending on your scenario.
  • Export UI elements as PNG files.
  • đŸ“ș Check the videos Former Student Games.

week 4

  1. 👀 Implement all of the scenes that you design for your game in P5Js.
  2. You can use the codes in my game and implement to yours. Fork my [game template] to adapt your game scenes. For those who have different game mechanics than my game, do your best. I want to see the implemented design in P5Js. Please ask to me or your friends in class whenever you need help or get stuck!!! I can provide you tutorials and reference code snippets.
  3. ⏫ Upload the sketch to your openProcessing account.
  4. ❗Submit the openprocessing link.
  5. ❗Submit the sketch source code as zip file as well.

week 5

  • Your games must be finished and finalized. 
  • I don’t want to hear any apologies or last day help requests.
  • Upload your whole sketch folder.
  • Submit the link of your game.

week 6

Assignment 1: ML

  • You can use face, hand, or body position to move your character. Refer to the example code that I wrote in class time.
  • Upload the link of your sketch
  • Upload The codes as well in zip format.

Assignment 2: Mask

  • You can choose whatever image you want.
  • You can create illustration using simple shapes.
  • We will write the code in class time. 
  • Upload the image you choose. 
  • References : Computational Mask Repo, Generative Masks, Ref3

week 7

Please READ💱
No Late Submissions❗❗❗If you don’t understand ask me, or your friend, or to an AI chatbot.  
  • Use Decomposition, Flow, Translation, and Algorithm Design steps for your mask generation. I want to see how you implement your ideas. Upload text, diagram or any kind of material that you include your programming activity. Create a pdf for your design process as I show you in the presentation. You don’t need to include material for the Algorithm Desin section since your codes on openProcessing is the last step actually. (40 points) Tutorial
  • Write down the mask code. (20 points)
  • Apply ML5 library to enable head tracking on camera. (20 points) 
  • Skim the attached document (Form+Code Book, Repetetion pg. 42-65)
  • Choose an image that includes repetition in the artwork from the follwing link.
  • ❗Submit the openprocessing link.
  • ❗Submit the sketch source code as zip file as well.

week 8

  • Finalize the code and submit the source code and openprocessing link.

  • Choose the most appropriate options for the artworks included in each survey. You can choose multiple choices.

week 9


week 10


week 11

Project Proposal Submission

API Calls

Check the following page (List of Free Rest APIs) to access more API-related content resources in the free version.

Machine Learning

Daniel Schiffman

1: Introduction (9/5)

2: Transfer Learning (9/12)

3: Pre-trained models 1: Body (9/19)

4: Pre-trained models 2: Face and Hand (9/26)

5: Training a Neural Network 1 (10/3)

6: Training a Neural Network 2 (10/10)

7: ml5.js project presentations (10/17)

8: Introduction to Transformers.js (10/24)

9: Language Models (10/31)

10: Image Generation Models (11/7)

11: Final Project Proposals + Fine-Tuning (11/14)

12: Final Project Proposals + TBD (11/21)

13: Final Project Play Testing (12/05)

14: Final Project Presentations (12/12)

Final Project Instructions

✍ If you think that your project is ready, fill out the submission form also. Click the link to download Project Template

🧠 You are free to propose any project idea as long as it includes programming. 

If you need a topic or theme, you can utilize one of the following concepts;
16. A project including machine learning ideas using → ml5 library 
17. A project including interactive platform games. Check previous students’ works → 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
18. Interactive educational applications and games. Check previous students’ works → 1
19. Puzzle games → 1
20. Sound interactive games and applications → 1, 2
21. Interactive applications about a specific theme → Travel Guide, Cancel Culture
22. Interactive illustration stories → 1
23. Audiovisual VJ apps → ASCII-art, Drum Performance Visualizer, Op-art, The Story of Nothing
24. Skeuomorphic conceptual applications → 1
25. Generative Art (Recursion, Fractals) → 1
26. Generative Art (Image Processing) → 1
27. Generative Art (Abstracted formalism) → Fish, Generative Logo
28. A project including Algorithmic Art Praxis. Choose multiple categories from the cheat sheet that I distributed to you in class and create series of artworks according to a theme and print them to fine papers. Check the existing artworks to get inspired → link. You can view specific category items using ALAP website.