Setup & Install

Official Slidev suggests to use pnpm instead of npm for optimum performance and less headache during the updates.

Latest Version: 51.1.2

# If you haven't installed pnpm
npm i -g pnpm
# Goto Root folder where you want to create a new slidev presentation
pnpm create slidev
# Select pnpm as package manager
# Slidev should start automatically

The latest slidev version 51.1.1 have some bugs. It does not display components <Toc />, <Youtube />, magic-move, etc... Downgrade slidev to fix this issue.

Downgrade Slidev

# Goto Root folder where you want to create a new slidev presentation
pnpm create slidev
# Open package.json file and change the version of slidev dependency
"@slidev/cli": "^0.51.0-beta.4"
# Run the installation again
pnpm install
# Compile slidev
pnpm run dev


pnpm run build --base /Slidev_Presentations/week03_cod_208/dist/
# if it throws error related to chromium do the following
pnpm add -D playwright-chromium
pnpm approve-builds
# test again
pnpm run build --base /Slidev_Presentations/week03_cod_208/dist/
# before uploading to Github, open .gitignore file and remove <dist> folder line.


  • Academic Style Theme with tons of features Neversink
  • Apple Style Apple Basic
  • Academic style with footnote component and pagination Academic
  • Another academic theme, but bad interface Academic 2