1. Page Break in pdf

<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>

2. Set Text Color

<font style="color:green">In front of the artwork, the spectator sees another </font>

In front of the artwork, the spectator sees another

3. Open Document page

[Akrich :1](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/52A5ECM7?page=1)

3.1. Open File Location in Finder

[Example Code](file:///Users/alptugan/Zotero/storage/ELS8XFWB)

4. Image Grid

cssclass: img-grid, img-captions

5. Add Caption to images (Need to install Plug-in)

![This is the caption](image.png)
![[proxy.jpg|Caption text goes here-right|200]]
![[proxy.jpg|Caption text goes here-left|200]]
![[proxy.jpg|Caption text goes here-center|200]]
CSS obsidian_style.css içinde
JS code da DEVS kalsöründe

Callout Opened & Collapsed

> [!NOTE] Notification about Conclusion
> In order to develop the finalized method first students are taught ALAP categories. All of the students were familiar in programming. They took the previous class called COD 207 Programming in the first semester. So, The proposed method should be tested on new students in the upcoming semester to effectively see the results of the method integrated with ALAP categories. 

Notification about Conclusion

In order to develop the finalized method first students are taught ALAP categories. All of the students were familiar in programming. They took the previous class called COD 207 Programming in the first semester. So, The proposed method should be tested on new students in the upcoming semester to effectively see the results of the method integrated with ALAP categories.

> [!NOTE]- Notification about Conclusion
> In order to develop the finalized method first students are taught ALAP categories. All of the students were familiar in programming. They took the previous class called COD 207 Programming in the first semester. So, The proposed method should be tested on new students in the upcoming semester to effectively see the results of the method integrated with ALAP categories. 


Obsidian Bridge

7. Columns

This is column 1
This is column 2
col 2
This text is going to be formatted in 3 columns. If the --column-count parameter wasn't specified it would default to 2.
This text is going to be formatted in 3 columns. If the `--column-count` parameter wasn't specified it would default to 2.


Embed Content from different document into another document as excerpt.

![[w7-The Social Construction of Facts and Artifacts Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other,Bijker and Pinch,  p. 11-45.#^ec21fc|^ec21fc]]

Transclude of w7-The-Social-Construction-of-Facts-and-Artifacts-Or-How-the-Sociology-of-Science-and-the-Sociology-of-Technology-Might-Benefit-Each-Other,Bijker-and-Pinch,--p.-11-45.#^ec21fc